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Veg seedlings back on

With much prayer 😂 we have finally worked out a way to raise seedlings again at our house. 🎉🥳 Fighting with slugs and mice in our wild greenhouse was a battle indeed! We got there with a few neat tricks (and no poison!).

How to stop mice eating seeds or seedlings without poison

If ever we sowed seeds, the mice would eat them straight up. Sow out a tray and in the morning it was completely eaten. Super depressing.

We have now put traps at the base of our tables, this has helped their numbers dwindle.

And if any are not phased by the delicious peanut butter traps, we bought a table smaller than our seedling trays. The seedling trays then overhang the table, so they will have to be some ninja mice to climb up the overhang onto our trays. So far so good!

How to stop slugs eating seedlings

And then the slugs. If the mice missed any seeds the slugs would eat the baby plants.

Copper tape. We bought some garage shelving from bunnings and wrapped a real thick application of copper tape around the base of each foot, the slugs don’t like passing the tape so they don’t climb up. Win!

Copper tape wins versing slugs
Copper tape wins versing slugs

We also make sure there are no plants reaching up onto the legs of the table or onto the seedling trays so that they can’t bypass the copper tape.

Make sure you double check your seedling trays that have any hidden cheeky guys and we’re good to go.

And with that, we have vegetable seedlings available! Check out our plant list and see if you could use any veggies (or any other goodies in our greenhouse). We’ll be using these seedlings in our new (sunny) plot, so if you don’t want to plant the veg yourselves but just enjoy eating them, we could have some coming your way real soon. Follow us below and we’ll let you know straight away!

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1 thought on “Veg seedlings back on

  1. Love this! Hooray for seedlings! 🥰

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